Thursday, August 23, 2007

new chair

I bought a new office chair to tether myself to while I write and, frankly, it was about damn time. There was "some assembly required." In other words I had to do everything but sew the seat cushions together, cast the molds for the plastic pieces, weld the metal crap together, etc.

25 minutes later I came up with this. Here's my old chair (which was a donation...obviously) angrily trying to overthrow it's much superior, newer replacement. I would launch into an extended diatribe about how comfortable this chair is compared to my old one but this picture makes it so obvious I would be wasting finger effort to type it out. It's day and frickin' night. I love this thing and, combined with my other new toy, my writing space is SOOOO much better.

Max tries out a new place to perch.

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