Monday, July 30, 2007

Steve, Don't Eat It!

Thanks to a cursory perusal of the Guster road journal I found my new favorite blog: Steve, Don't Eat It! It's written by a guy named Steve who, presumptively for fun, eats horrendously disgusting things that people around the world eat every day. He then blogs about the experience in graphic detail and (usually) advises his readers not to eat them because they taste like something unbelievably disgusting (who knew?).

All that being said, this dude is freakin' hilarious. My 2 personal favorites are when he makes a BLT sandwich out of Beggin' Strips and the time when he makes prison wine in a garbage bag out of moldy bread, fruit juice, sugar and a dirty sock just to see if he can do it.

For fun here are some action pics from a play date with composer Abbie Betinis. We tend to do lame, revisit-your-childhood stuff like this whenever we hang out. It's a large part of our friendship (I fully expect to eat some Cheerios or Corn Pops next time we kick it) and this particular expedition went down at a park somewhere near Prior Lake, MN. When there aren't any actual children around it's kind of hard to resist.

In this picture I'm about to take a huge chunk out of my foot. If this were taken 2 seconds later I would be bleeding profusely from my right ankle and shouting some choice words at myself. It would have been much nicer to have a shot here of my sweet jump off of the swings...but it seems there will be no evidence in this entry that I have any intelligence to speak of.

Luckily, Abbie came away unscathed. Here she practices for when she has to break out of prison or become a building-hopping crimefighter of some sort.

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