Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter

The final(?) Harry Potter book came out this morning and it has been impossible to escape its landing. That thing is like a black hole of nerdery for its fans and the entire world. You can't help but hear about it. Oh well.

Someday I'll probably read them. At the moment I have at least 2 or 3 books that I have yet to finish (currently on the nightstand are Hunter S. Thompson's Songs of the Doomed and John Perkins' Confessions of An Economic Hitman for starters) that leave no room for a book about a boy wizard and his teenage friends. Someday...maybe.

To close out this entry is a totally unnecessary picture of my cat, Max, guarding with lethal force a score by composer Abbie Betinis. He has a penchant for lying on any paper that finds its way onto my floor...he's a strange little dude sometimes.

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