Monday, November 12, 2007

since i'm done with that...

Here's a bit of YouTube fun. If you think the costume is the only bad part and you're in for one of those whoever-thought-of-this-in-the-first-place-must-have-been-high-on-something-but-at-least-she-pulls-it-off-in-the-end clips then...well...BOY are you wrong. It's a cornucopia of awful goodness that should make your hairs stand on end first and then make you crap your pants laughing as it just won't stop.

It's really too bad, though. You'd think that someone who at least knew (what I'm assuming are) the correct fingerings for the notes she was supposed to be hitting would have known that her trumpet was so out of tune that a baby could have figured out to wave her off before she even hit the stage. Someone really failed Stacey Hedger when they kept on pushing her through the various stages of musical instruction.

In fact, maybe this video should serve as an indictment to all those music teachers out there who don't know a trumpet from a hole in the ground. Shame on you! Look what you did to poor Miss Douglas!

In other news, Steve finally updated his blog with this hilarious entry on the tree brain. It's no Beggin' Lettuce and Tomato sandwich but it's nice to see him back. Head to the bottom of the page to find out why this guy knows that a fungus growing out of his tree tastes like "lemony chicken".

Here's a superfluous picture from my writing space. It's from Jack Kerouac's Belief and Technique for Modern Prose.

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