Sunday, November 25, 2007

oh boy

I ordered a used copy of Apollo 13 from and it seems the seller thought I should be more acquainted with the TV series Quantum Leap. Nestled in the DVD case were the discs I ordered along with one from the fifth season of the Leap. It's hard to imagine someone not liking Apollo 13 enough to keep it around but owning at least one entire season of QL. (Of course, it's probably a safe assumption that since I got only one disc from the fifth season this Urkel more than likely owns at least the first four seasons, right?) I have Quantum Leap in the apartment. I'm not really sure what to think about that. I've only been able to bring myself to watch one episode so far.

Behold! The Bakula in all his glory!

Jeez. I need to write some music in a hurry. This blog is floating dangerously close to "Nerd Lock."

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