Monday, August 24, 2009

re-stringing day

It's Instrument Upkeep Day here at the Shank household! I spent the last few hours re-stringing both my 12-string and 6-string guitars. It's easy to forget both how long this takes (I'll never do both in one day again) as well as the finger grime that builds up on the fingerboards when these instruments are put to good use. It's a little gross but kind of cool--as far as gunk goes, that is--to think how hard you must've rocked to shred all that stuff off your fingers.

That being said, there are certainly worse ways to spend an afternoon other than watching a few Netflix episodes of Dark Angel (Remember that early 00s show, anyone? I've been on a sci-fi/cyberpunk kick lately.) and sipping on a cup of coffee while you endlessly crank the tuning pegs to remove, replace and tune 18 bronze strings. The payoff is obvious, though. They sound great.

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