Friday, October 26, 2007

the good land

My LASIK surgery went amazing. I can't overstate how easy it was...I was under the enormous-straight-out-of-Goldfinger laser for less than 10 minutes. Totally painless and instantly better vision. It was like a lie. I drove later that night. But what's really freaky is how much I've been missing out on without perfect vision. In my case I couldn't see things far away without glasses or contacts. Once they shot my eyes with laser beams things farther than 100 yards away took on an incredible amount of detail that I didn't even know existed. Way cool. I'm obsessed with leaves.

I'm currently sitting in an anonymous Caribou Coffee in Milwaukee (which is Algonquian for "the good land") pissing away a few hours on my laptop before I have to sing at a friend's wedding. Needless to say, there isn't much to talk about, but thanks to The Onion, I can share this little beauty with you.

The tag line reads: Disgruntled Ninja Silently Kills 12 Co-Workers

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