Tuesday, June 2, 2009

moving and 3eb

Happy June, everybody. The last week has been a crazy blur as I moved out of the burbs and into the epicenter of the Uptown neighborhood of Minneapolis (it's cheaper and a lot closer to the things that are important to me). To cap it off I went to a Third Eye Blind concert with a few friends at First Avenue the next day and, except for a few band-t-shirt-wearing, don't-be-that-guy drunks in front of me who were occasionally annoying, it wasn't even close to a bad show. The opening act, Low vs Diamond, was pretty good as well and, thanks to the instant gratification of iTunes, I've been listening to their eponymous debut album for a few days now.

Third Eye Blind was the first band I ever saw live when I was 18 (I was a late bloomer...sue me) and First Ave was a vast improvement over the previous venue I saw them: the Minnesota State Fair (which has its own brand of charm, to be sure...but you know what I mean). However, I liked their show enough at the time to go buy their album and--10 years later--pick up some tickets on a lark to see them in one of the state's musical landmarks.

Is it just me or does their lead singer totally look like Paul Rudd?

On another, more musically-oriented note, I'm headed out to spend the summer on the campus of Interlochen. I have absolutely no idea what to expect but, from what I've been told (and what I here on From the Top all the time), it's amazing. The downside is that I have absolutely no break from the stress of moving and unpacking before I start re-packing for 7 weeks in Michigan. It's a bit frenetic but I have the feeling the payoff will be awesome. Their summer concert series looks really interesting.

1 comment:

artclectic said...

Jenn spent a summer at Interlochen, and their summer concert series kicks ass. Just curious: what are you doing there?