Saturday, July 26, 2008

summer singers

The Summer Singers gave a wonderful performance of Blue! 'Tis the Life of Heaven Thursday night. That piece is the second movement of Color Madrigals: Six Songs on Texts by John Keats and, since Vicki and her lovely singers premiered the third and fourth movements of that set last summer, it was like coming home.

In honor of Minnesota's 150th birthday, the concert featured music by composers from the state...many of whom were in attendance.

Here you've got Robert Berglund (who I met last time I worked with The Summer Singers), Matthew Culloton, Maestra Vicki Peters, Abbie Betinis, Michael Dennis Browne (some of his poetry was included), Jocelyn Hagen (who was the only other one courageous enough to go "toes out" with me) and this composer.

I love that picture because, last time there was a MN 150 concert, most of these people were there for a group picture as well. However, since it was in January, we were much pastier and way more layered in attire (and one of us was a little less pregnant as well). See for yourself.

(Just for good measure that's Michael Dennis Browne, Matt, Stephen Paulus, David Evan Thomas, Abbie, Craig Carnahan, Jocelyn, Tim Takach, me and Edie Hill.)

It was so nice to see everyone again. I was chatting with someone at the after party about how great it is to reconnect with an ensemble like that. Normally I write the piece, fly in for the premiere, nervously talk at the audience, make great friends and then abruptly drop off the face of the earth in terms of my dealings with the people I've met.

A genuine thanks goes out to the Summer Singers for having me back. I hope it's a yearly tradition!

Oh...and they did give me some fine Irish whiskey this time around (see previous entry). What could be better!

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