Tuesday, April 29, 2008

rochester + meloy

I drove down to Rochester last Sunday to hear some great performances by the Honors Choirs of Southeast Minnesota. I've worked with them before and had a blast but I was unable to see a performance until now. 2 of the 4 choirs had programmed a piece of mine so I was able to hear the Treble Choir perform The Arrow and The Song and the Concert Choir on when god decided to invent with the soprano sax for the first time. I didn't get a picture of either of them in performance but they were both as good as you'd expect from an honor choir (and by that I mean really good). Dan Roellinger did an especially good job on the soprano sax part (which is not easy).

Both choirs performed my piece immediately after they gave out the Perfect Attendance awards so I guess my choral compositions just remind people of being somewhere on time...or something. Here's Michael giving out the awards with the choir in the background. The place was absolutely packed.

On another note, if you're a fan of The Decemberists you should check out the new (live) CD from their lead singer/songwriter, Colin Meloy Sings Live! I just bought it and I can't get it out of the CD player.

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