Sunday, December 30, 2007

happy winter celebrative season!

This composer comes proudly from the great state of Iowa and, every few winter breaks, the majority of the Shank clan migrates south for a week or so to give/receive gifts and make merry. This year we gathered at my grandparents' Pasture Hill Farm in rural Muscatine and there were animals everywhere.

There were a gazillion birds out on the porch. Having grown up around stuff like this (but not living around it anymore) I forget sometimes what it's like to see these scenes.

This little guy thought we were having a conversation or something.

Later on, my uncle Kevin brought some Yorkshire Terrier/Miniature Pinscher puppies by. Apparently they were supposed to be purebred Yorkie pups but "the neighbor dog had other ideas."

After about 20 minutes of playing around, the four of them just fell asleep. It was almost like someone turned off a switch. They all went down. It was unbelievably cute.

Yin and Yang: The Puppy Version

At the exact same time we were playing with the puppies, a possum showed up on the porch. This thing was super tame and completely unafraid of us. Granted we were behind a sliding glass door but it got within a foot without even blinking. This is something I would never see where I live now.

A couple of days later my dad and I went and visited my great aunt Madeleine in Fairfield, Iowa. She is the de facto matriarch of my dad's half the family and the coolest 87-year-old woman I know. She is the keeper of all the funny stories about my aunts, uncles and father that I would never hear from anyone but her. To say she is the best would be selling her short completely.

Next stop: Burlington, Iowa. I lived here for five years as a teenager and it was good to take a trip down Memory Lane. I was in middle school when this huge, cable-stayed bridge was first put up and was (deservedly) the talk of the town. The immense "H Bridge" is now a city landmark.

Cobblestone Alley. This thing is unbelievably steep.

And, just for good measure, here's Gracie with hummus in her hair.

Best present this year: recording and libretto of John Adams' amazing (and controversial) opera, The Death of Klinghoffer.

Best moment visiting places I used to live:
seeing the football field at my old high school has been named after my 8th grade Social Studies teacher. Way to go, Mr. Nelson!

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